I am Haitam Bacha

Welcome to my portfolio,

It is still a bit empty, but i will add onto this site once i am more experienced.

Hello visitor,
I am happy to welcome you to my Portfolio.
My name is Haitam Bacha I was born on March/9th/2001. At the time of writing of writing this,
I am a student at the IT College named ROC Midden Nederland in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands.
I am an application&media developer in the making and hope to inform people about what I do. At the moment of writing this,
I Help my teacher (Christiaan Verhoef) in a company he works for.
It is called The Fork and it educates people and companies about the uses of blockchain in agriculture.
I hope I have successfully informed you about what I do, and I am looking forward to our collaboration.